Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)
All-natural Liquid Gold rejuvenation
‘Liquid Gold’ therapy is a revolutionary non-surgical treatment designed to rejuvenate the face and skin. It harnesses the power of your own blood platelets to stimulate new cell growth, enhance skin texture, and restore skin volume by utilizing the growth factors naturally found in blood platelets.
During the procedure, a small amount of your blood is drawn and processed to isolate the plasma. This plasma is then injected into targeted areas to promote tissue regeneration and revitalization.
How it works
Depending on the type of Liquid Gold treatment you receive, here’s what will happen:
Initially, we cleanse the treatment area and apply a topical numbing cream for comfort.
Next, a small sample of blood will be drawn from your arm.
The blood sample is then placed in a centrifuge to separate the platelet-rich plasma from the other components.
Finally, using a fine needle, the liquid gold will be injected into the targeted areas.
Each treatment session typically lasts between 45 to 60 minutes, depending on the specific procedure being performed.
Post-Treatment Care for Liquid Gold
Your skin may look red, resembling a mild sunburn, for about 1-3 days.
Some swelling or bruising is possible, and this can vary among individuals.
Feel free to use ice packs as needed to reduce discomfort.
Refrain from itching or scratching the treated areas.
Avoid sun exposure for three weeks to minimize the risk of pigmentation issues and burning.
Apply SPF 30 or 50 sunscreen daily to protect your skin.
Do not pick at or exfoliate your skin for 3-5 days to prevent introducing bacteria or causing pigmentation changes.
Steer clear of skincare products that contain Glycolic or Salicylic acid during the recovery period.
PRP injection costs in Australia vary widely due to differences in systems used, practitioner experience and qualifications, clinical settings, and methods employed (e.g., needle injections, cannula injections, or topical application after microneedling).