Skin Cancer Surgery
Surgical removal of the skin cancer is the treatment of choice in many cases. This is performed under local anaesthetic and range is from side to side closure (most of the cases) to larger excisions which might need Flap or Graft closure. Dr. Moh Ehsani is specially trained in this field and has experience in surgical removal of skin cancer with full recommended margins and excellent cosmetic outcome.
Side to side closure :
This has normally the best cosmetic outcome and least risk of complications, fortunately most of the skin cancer lesions can be removed with side to side closure.
In some cases the simple side to side closure is not possible. This can be due to multiple factors : size of the lesion , anatomical position etc. Flaps are surrounding skin moved to cover the surgical defect, Grafts are when we take the skin from a distant location to cover the defect of skin cancer surgery.
The bellow images are some of the surgeries performed by Dr. Moh Ehsani.

Squamous cell carcinoma of the lip treated by wedge excision